Manage Your Return

Manage Your Return

We hope you love your item(s), but if not, we happily accept returns for full-priced items if they don’t meet expectations, don’t suit, don’t like, or have a change of mind.

Customers have a 14-day window, starting from the delivery day, to initiate an online return for all full-priced items (including those bought with discount coupons), with returns issued to store credit. Upon booking a return, customers have 7 days to post the item(s) back.

Manage Your Return

1. Find your order number

Check your email confirmation or SMS confirmation for your order number – it will look something like this: 600000

2. Submit your return online

Follow the steps in the online portal to submit your return and generate your return authorisation and return address.

3. Pack your return

Pack the item(s) in original condition, tags attached, folded as received inside the product’s clear plastic packaging.

4. Post your return

Follow the return confirmation email and post within 7 days of completing your return online. Return freight is the customer’s expense.

For detailed return policy information and return processing.