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Store Voucher conditions?

  • Store vouchers must be entered during checkout and cannot be applied to processing or completed orders.
  • Store vouchers do not have an expiry date.
  • Store vouchers can only be sent to the email used for the original purchase.
  • Store vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash or combined into a new voucher.
  • Store vouchers are not legal tender, account cards, credit cards, debit cards, or securities.
  • Store vouchers details can only be shared with the email address associated with the store vouchers.
  • Store vouchers can be used on all products at Florence Store, though we reserve the right to limit their use.
  • If you use a store voucher to purchase and then return an order, free shipping does not apply to the return.
  • If your order exceeds the value of the voucher, the balance must be paid using a debit or credit card.
  • If you return an item bought with a voucher, the refund will be issued as a new store voucher for future purchases.
  • Florence Store reserves the right to update or change these terms at any time, including the introduction of fees.

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